Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Acrylic on Board 36 x 36

Here are some pieces that are acrylic on board - 36in x 36in.  They are highly texturized with many layers of paint.  They are painted on 1/8 inch Philippine Mahogany plywood and are very light.  These are really durable, sturdy pieces.  I've posted larger images so you can get a better idea about what the surfaces look like close up.  And if you "click" on the image directly, you can see a further enlargement.

These pieces can either be mounted on a wooden "cradle" or inserted easily into a traditional frame with a foam core backing.

 1B  Acrylic on Board; 36 x 36

    2B  Acrylic on Board;  36 x 36

    3B  Acrylic on Board; 36 x 36

   4B  Acrylic on Board  36 x 36

    5B  Acrylic on Board;   36 x 36

     6B  Acrylic on Board;  36 x 36  This one is posted on the other blog, but I took a better photo of it and reposted it  because I like it so much.

Acrylic on Yupo

Yupo is a smooth synthetic paper made out of  white plastic and has recently become very popular with artists.  Here's a link to info on Yupo:   These pieces were made using thin washes of mostly iridescent acrylic paint applied through rice paper (which is then removed).  Although it is difficult to tell from the photos, most of the pieces below have a strong iridescent sheen.  I would be surprised if you could find similar pieces anywhere else.  Since the Yupo is very flexible, it would be easy to roll a couple of these pieces up into a mailing tube and send them to you just to get an idea of what they are like.

These pieces can be presented a number of ways.  I like the ragged edges myself.   But the edges can be cleaned up using a mat and framing the piece under Plexi.  Or, the paintings can be mounted on a board and then inserted into a frame, or mounted on a cradle, without Plexi.

Again, click directly on the image to see an enlargement.

                           1Y  Acrylic on Yupo; 40 x 26

                               2Y Acrylic on Yupo; 40 x 26

                               3Y  Acrylic on Yupo;  40 x 26

                               4Y  Acrylic on Yupo;  40 x 26

                               5Y   Acrylic on Yupo; 40 x 26

                              6Y  Acrylic on Yupo;  40 x 26

                               7Y  Acrylic on Yupo;   40 x 26

                                8Y  Acrylic on Yupo;  40 x 26

                              9Y  Acrylic on Yupo; 40 x 26

                              10Y  Acrylic on Yupo;  40 x 26


1V.  Acrylic and Rice paper collage on Plexiglas, 18 x 18.  The iridescent surface of this is really beautiful.  A small piece.

2V.  Acrylic and rice paper collage on Plexiglas;  29 x 29.  No shiny Plexi on this one.  The surface has been dulled down with acrylic varnish.

3V.   Acrylic and Collage on Plexiglas;  18 x 18.  Another smaller piece, but with a really shiny surface.  All the collage is on the inside.  The frame backing is recessed to allow the light to bounce around from the inside.

    4V.  Acrylic paint on Board; 18 x 18.  This smaller piece is varnished with a really shiny surface.

  5V.  Acrylic paint on Board; 36 x 36.  I really love this piece even though it is a bit unusual.  It also has some iridescent work incorporated into the surface.  Same size as the other large paintings on Philippine Mahogany.

6V.  Acrylic Paint on Board;  18 x 18.  Another small piece.